Implementing the Recovery Plan: Project formulation, worksheet development...



Understanding (MOU) detailing their understanding of the issues and solutions that were discussed. Another valuable tool is asking the state and FEMA to sign a transmittal each time documents or photographs are surrendered.

Such actions could be considered adversarial, but the intention is to create a record that applicants have been cooperative and have met necessary timing requirements, such as those for reporting damage.

The working relationship gets its true test after the applicant briefing and kickoff meeting as the recovery process turns to grant development. This process has two portions: project formulation and Project Worksheet development.

Project Formulation

Before project worksheets (PWs) can be written, projects need to be formulated. FEMA Job Aid for Project Formulation defines this process as follows:

“A project is a logical method of performing work required as a result of the declared event. Projects may consist of one damage site or may be made up of several sites. This offers flexibility in organizing and managing work around the applicant’s needs.”

The applicant works with the PAC to categorize and organize the recovery needs. Eligible work and damage from multiple sites can be combined into a single project for any variety of reasons, but the logic should first be discussed with the PAC. All in all, both parties are looking for any reasonable method to manage the project and complete the work.

Listed are examples of project groupings as outlined in the FEMA Job Aid for Project Formulation:

In addition to these categories, applicants must also evaluate the damage sites to classify emergency work and determine whether the emergency recovery aspect is part of the permanent recovery.