Risk Assessment

A D J U S T I N G T O D A Y CORPORATE OFF ICE 126 Business Park Drive Utica, New York 13502 1.800.382.2468 Outside U.S. (315) 797.3035 FAX: (315) 272.2054 Editor@AdjustingToday.com WEB ADDRESSES www.AdjustersInternational.com www.AdjustingToday.com PUBL ISHER Ronald A. Cuccaro, SPPA EDI TOR Sheila E. Salvatore ADJUSTING TODAY is published as a public service by Adjusters International, Inc. It is provided for general information and is not intended to replace professional insurance, legal and/or financial advice for specific cases. AT90-2R 3003 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Copyright © 2011 Adjusters International, Inc. Adjusters International ® and the AI logo are registered trademarks of Adjusters International, Inc. President & Chief Executive Officer, Adjusters International Ronald A. Cuccaro, SPPA Adjusting Today on the Web — www.AdjustingToday.com View our entire catalog of back issues, download PDF versions, subscribe and contact the editor Follow Adjusting Today on Facebook & Twitter: Facebook.com/AdjustersInternational Twitter.com/AdjustingToday the country, fuel the confusion. A turnover in claims adjusters can be expected and an army of “experts” having diverse backgrounds from all over the world further complicates the scene. Multinational losses in general are unique, and adjusting them is a specialized process requiring unique skills and expertise. It is not practical or economically feasible for brokers or most claims managers to develop these capabilities independently. The broker’s claims management program should contemplate the possibility of a multinational loss and in such cases allow for the assistance — in critical areas — of experienced specialists accustomed to dealing in this environment. . . . Adjusters International is familiar with many of the factors that make the resulting losses extremely complex and difficult for a broker to coordinate. “ ”