Mitigation Funding in the FEMA Public Assistance Program



FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program has evolved into one that gives the president extraordinary powers—not only in mustering federal resources to aid communities that have been overwhelmed by disaster—but also in the allocation of hazard mitigation funding.

Mitigation is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. The PA program is designed as a reimbursement program to aid in making communities whole after a disaster. The program’s basic structure calls for a partnership among the participating federal, state and local governments whose responsibility it is to work together to restore communities back to pre- disaster conditions both physically and fiscally.

As a means of meeting this objective, mitigation funding is available through Public Assistance 404 and 406 mitigation funding programs. 1 As defined in the Robert T. Stafford Act, hazard mitigation funding is made available through the two programs if mitigation measures are deemed cost-effective. 2

The 404 program does not necessarily apply to damaged...


In this 9th edition of Disaster Recovery Today , FEMA’s mitigation funding through the 404 and 406 programs is explored; their history, benefits and importance to communities.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for topics you’d like to see covered in upcoming issues. We hope you will find this edition interesting and informative reading.

—Sheila E. Salvatore, Editor

Mitigation Funding in the FEMA Public Assistance Program

Issue 9