Equipment Breakdown Insurance

4 ADJUSTINGTODAY. COM A D J U S T I N G T O D A Y or utilization of energy, (3) communication and computer equipment, and (4) the foregoing equipment in (1), (2) and (3) used by utilities to supply its services. ISO form EB 00 20 lists the following coverages which, if selected, apply only to that portion of the loss or damage that is a direct result of a covered cause of loss: 1. Property damage – to “covered property” at the described premises. “Covered property” encompasses property the named insured owns, as well as property in its care, custody or control and for which it is legally liable. 2. Expediting expenses – comprising the extra costs necessarily incurred to make temporary repairs and to expedite permanent repairs. 3. Business income and extra expense or extra expense only. If the latter is the only one designated, then business income coverage is not provided. 4. Spoilage damage – to raw materials, property in the course of processing, or finished products in storage. Loss must be due to lack or excess power, light, heat, steam or refrigeration, and the property must either be owned or belonging to someone else for whom the named insured is legally liable under a written contract. 5. Utility interruption – which is only available if the insured has selected business income and extra expense or extra expense only or spoilage damage. 6. Newly acquired premises – applies to newly purchased or leased property, subject to notice as soon as practicable and an additional premium. Coverage will be the same as coverage applying to other covered premises. 7. Ordinance or law coverage – applies despite the ordinance or law exclusion otherwise applicable. 8. Errors and omissions – coverage applies for loss not otherwise payable because of an error or unintentional omission in the way the insured property was described; any failure through error to include any premises owned or occupied by the named insured at the policy’s inception; or an error or unintentional omission that results in the cancellation of any insured property. 9. Brands and labels – provides coverage similar to separate